The AVC8000X from world leading embedded video experts, Advanced Micro Peripherals (AMP), delivers all you could want from an eight channel video capture and overlay controller with maximum performance, versatility, high throughput and ultra- low latency.
Capturing up to eight concurrent video channels and up to eight mono audio sources, the AVC8000X delivers pin sharp imagery time after time. Video can also be scaled, cropped and positioned via the easy-to-use software controls.
Captured video can be streamed seamlessly to the system memory or to disc for immediate local display or further processing.
Bristling with advanced features like PCI-Express technology, live frame capture and video inputs at full D1 size and full frame rates, the AVC8000X is fully supported by our software development kits which drastically reduce the time to market and lifetime support from our embedded video experts at AMP.
Performance, Power, and Reliability – you can depend on AMP
Product highlights include:
- 8 Live NTSC/PAL/RS170 video inputs
- 8x D1 size capture at full frame rate
- Ultra low latency overlay
- 8 Mono Audio inputs
- Arbitrary video window sizing, cropping and scaling
- Windows DirectShow/DirectDraw support
- Linux Video4Linux support
- Robust PC/104-Express construction and performance
- Low Power Operation
Suitable applications for the AVC8000X include:
- Vehicle-based Video Capture
- Real-time Situational Awareness
- Law Enforcement and Crime Scene Recording
- Remote Video Surveillance
- Multi-camera Security Application
- Asset Monitoring
- Multi-lane Traffic Monitoring and Control
- Video Acquisition and Analytics